
Friday, 12 August 2011

10 Reasons to Love Menstrual Cups

Recently Menstrual Cups have been increasing in both popularity and familiarity among woman worldwide. Where tampons were once the sanitary protection of choice for millions of women, menstrual cups are steadily eating into their market and the word is spreading about how much better they are than disposable tampons for both the user’s body and the environment.

So why do those who know about menstrual cups love them so much?
Why do so many women who have tried them refuse point blank to return to disposable sanitary protection?

Each individual has her own personal reasons, but here are 10 of the most common:

1. Menstrual cups can be used for several years and only one is necessary, making them far cheaper overall than buying tampons or disposable sanitary pads every month.

2. Menstrual cups are not thrown away after each use like tampons are, making them more environmentally friendly and helping to reduce rubbish.

3. Menstrual cups do not cause Toxic Shock Syndrome, a potentially serious condition that can be caused by the use of tampons.

4. Menstrual cups are made of rubber, so there is no danger of fibres entering the vaginal wall as there is with tampons.

5. Menstrual cups can be worn at night, as well as during activities such as sports, including swimming and yoga.

6. Menstrual cups allow you to see and monitor your own menstrual flow as it is collected rather than absorbed by the cup.

7. Menstrual cups contain more fluid than a tampon and therefore need changing less often than tampons do.

8. Menstrual cups collect menstrual fluid rather than absorbing it, therefore they do not interfere with the healthy vaginal environment in the way that tampons can.

9. When correctly inserted, menstrual cups are so reliable and comfortable that you forget they even exist.

10. Menstrual cups are less likely to cause the dryness and thrush that some women experience with tampons.

Why not try a menstrual cup youself and discover just how good they really are!

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