If female ejaculation does exist, it is thought to a similar orgasm climax to that of a mans climax. With a ejaculation of postate fluid (a fluid which is produced buy the prostate gland or the male g-spot in men, or the paraurethral or skenes gland in women, which is located behind the G-spot) is ejaculated on the point of climax out through the urethra.
Some experts in the field have claimed that this so called ejaculation is in fact women getting over excited and loosing control of their bladder, and accidentally 'weeing' themselves during sexual intercourse. However, female ejaculation fluid tests have shown that the fluid contains postate acid phosphatese, which is also found in male semen, of which it is a major component. The female ejaculation fluid also contains glucose, which probably contributes to what some women describe as light sweet scent. It does also contain trace amounts of two other substances usually fond in urine. However, because these amounts are minimal they may have been added tot he fluid upon ejaculation as the postate fluid passed through the urethra, because the fluids share the same exit. Flushing out the pipes as it were. Similarly in a study carried out by Dr. Santamaria Cabellol, prostate fluid was found in post orgasm urine samples of 75% of the women studied. This shows that trace amounts of substances can be deposited in the urethra and washed out later with other fluids.
Of course this study also shows that a majority of women are producing prostate fluid, which adds support to the existence of female ejaculation.
So what are we supposed to think when even the experts can't agree?
There are many women out there who are experiencing 'female ejaculation', some women themselves may think that they are 'peeing' themselves or have been told that they are from their partners. Of course they would be too worries to seek medical advice or discuss suck an issue with friends. Many women would hold back their climax for fear of wetting the bed. Whilst other couples are enjoying the pleasures of female ejaculation. Some men find it a huge turn on because it is a very visual display of sexual pleasure that obviously con not be faked.
In my experience female ejaculation does exist. It is harder to achieve than the more traditional female orgasm, but that is because of psychological issues that the female needs to overcome. Just before the point of orgasm you feel the burning need to 'pee'. However, if you dash to the bathroom you are unable to 'pee'. This is because when you are close to climax the prostate gland releases some fluid, which enters into he urethra, this is what causes the need to pee sensation. You have to get over this in your mind before you are able to loose control and ejaculate.
Lisa S. Lawless is one author of a few who have written about this topic, although Lawless takes it a bit further and claims that she can teach women how to achieve female ejaculation, she has also made a supporting DVD showing techniques. She talks passionately about female ejaculation and women's sexuality and feels that women should be given more information about female pleasure during sex education classes. She also suggests that the female ejaculation has a cleansing and anti infection purpose, an idea that would address the specialists queries as to the biological benefits of female ejaculation.
The scientists continue to study the female ejaculation, which obviously means that there isn't enough supporting evidence to rule t out completely at this stage. So quickly buy a book or DVD and buy a super-duper vibrator and get spurting your hot prostate fluids for all your worth girls, before the experts decide that your performing some absurd and kinky sexual act!
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