Live A Healthy Lifestyle
The health of a vagina is dependent on the food you eat, your weight and your overall lifestyle so it is imperative to look after your overall health to have a healthy vagina.
Things to Avoid in Your Diet
Do not eat excessive spicy food and keep away from junk food, what we eat comes out in our secretions, try smelling your sweat after you have eaten a spicy meal and you will realize what I mean.
Things You Should Eat More
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and try as often as possible to eat home cooked food as it is 100% nutritious than outside food. If you drink juice try to have freshly made one rather than the canned one which is full of preservatives and additives and yes drink as much water as you can.
Regular cleaning of vagina is very important because an un cleaned vagina can be home to odor producing bacteria which can further lead to other infections. So regular cleaning is very important and it just takes 5 to 10 minutes of your time. Just cleaning your genital area with your daily soap is more than enough.
Safe Sex
This is very important if you do not know your partner well it is advisable to use a condom to avoid any infections being transmitted to you. It is safe for both you and your partner.
Using Herbal Creams
If your vagina has become loose try natural vaginal tightening creams which also help in overcoming bad odor problems.
So this little and simple things will always help you maintain a clean and sweet smelling vagina for the rest of your life and even if there is a problem do not panic because the recovery is easy and painless and does not take much time.
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