
Friday, 12 August 2011

Causes and Treatment of Menstrual Disorder

Menstrual disorder occurs when some factors interrupt women’s menstrual period. In normal function, the menstrual period continues for 3-4 days. The reasons for menstrual disorders include many factors. There are also many things that affect woman’s menstruation such as the growth of the uterine lining (medically known as endometrium) and it’s shedding while menstrual cycle is going on. Hormones of the brain and the ovaries rule the menstrual periods in woman in her reproductive age.

Menstrual disorder is due to many disruptions and disorders. Pregnancy is one of the very common processes as when women become pregnant, their menstrual cycle is disturbed since the uterine lining starts providing a space for the fertilized ovum to get implanted and develop. Menstrual disorder can also affect female libido and such disorders could be temporary or permanently affect the woman unless fully treated. In a long run, menstrual disorder may affect the patient’s fertility.

Common menstrual disorder includes missed periods (medically known as amenorrhea), as well as menses those are markedly heavy or long (medically known as menorrhagia), very light (medically known as hypomenorrhea), with undefined frequency (called as polymenorrhea), with undefined infrequency (called as oligomenorrhea) and severely painful (dysmenorrhea).

Menstrual disorder can be due to a wide range of conditions and diseases. Commonest may include failure of the ovaries to release an ovum (called as anovulation), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, PID (pelvic inflammatory disorder), gestational complications, cancerous growth, and uterus disorders like polyp or fibroids. Pregnancy could be the commonest cause of a menstrual disorder.

· Menses those are unusually long

· Remarkable infrequent periods

· Marked painful periods

· Missed menses

· Menses those are unusually heavy or light
These problems could be temporary or permanent. Moreover, many women may face some variation in menstrual period symptoms from a month to the coming one, particularly during the first few years after the menarche. Some ailments may interfere with women’s capability to participate in routine activities, getting back to work or school and even to have a nap. Some menstrual disorders might also interfere with women’s capability to conceive.

Physicians treating menstrual disorders might prescribe some laboratory tests and imaging or screening, study woman’s medical history and go for physical examination to help determining the underlying causes of a menstrual disorder. Once the cause is found, the physician chooses the best possible treatment, if needed.

The treatment for menstrual disorder might include lifestyle modification (such as dietary changes, exercises) or medicines. If these options do not work to cease the problem, surgery (such as dilation and curettage, endometrial resection or ablation) might be advised in some cases.
Although many of underlying causes of menstrual disorder may not be prevented, woman can reduce the risks of some ailments by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consuming natural woman friendly herbs, eating a balanced diet with plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and of course, performing regular exercises.

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