First time sex before marriage can ultimately ruin your sexual relationship with the person you eventually marry. When you are into a second relationship you tend to expects things that were present in the prior relationship. Same goes with the sexual relations therefore it is much wiser to wait for your life partner.
Couples engage in pre-marital sex ends up in more fragile married relationship. It is because first time sex creates an eternal bond between the sex partners and need lifetime partnership. Therefore, married relation with other partner lacks the needed bonding and commitment required to sustain relationship during hard times. Besides this, the couples engaged in premarital sex that ends up in marriage are more likely to divorce.
According to a recent study be Prof Dean Busby, a sex psychotherapist- couples who abstain from sex till marriage are happier and have more rewarding sex life than those who had their first time intercourse before marriage.
In this study more than 2000 married couples were questioned, some of them were sexually inactive before marriage and some were sexually active while others who were become sexually active in later part of their relationship but before marriage. The last group was find out to be happier with the sexual aspect of their relationship.
Results further indicate that those who as 20% increased level of relationship satisfaction and 15% enjoyed better relationship and sex quality in their married life. According to Prof Dean Busby, there is more to a relationship then sex.
Figures from the Office for National Statistics clearly show the outcomes of sex before marriage.
- Number of marriages has significantly dropped down since 1862.
- 44 percent of British children are born out of wedlock.
- Number of common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) has increased with the rate of one STD per year. This massive increase has resulted with the increasing number of young people who have sex before marriage.
- Statistics suggests that women under 25 are more likely to have a baby then to get married.
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