
Friday, 12 August 2011

How to get rid of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile DysfunctionErectile dysfunction, actually a euphemism for impotency, is becoming very common due to the rise of unhealthy lifestyle choices. Your relationship can become difficult to sustain if you are not able to attain and/or sustain your erection satisfactorily enough for your partner. However, there is no need to despair as with a little patience and some natural cures, it is possible to get rid of erectile dysfunction.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Diagnosis Getting your problem diagnosed is obviously the first step towards treatment. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by organ damage or other. If physical damage to the organ is the problem, you will need to undergo surgery and no medication or herbs will be useful. Medical conditions leading to impotency can be low testosterone levels, poor blood flow to the penis, arteries being clogged, diabetes and several others. Certain psychological problems also cause erectile dysfunction such as stress, relationship problems, depression and lack of sexual attraction for the partner.
  2. Natural ways to get rid of Erectile Dysfunction Many herbs in nature have the potential of boosting the male sex drive by naturally enhancing sexual health. Shatavri, Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Shilajit, Guduchi, Lahsun, Kuchala, Butea are some herbs which have been used to treat sexual dysfunction in men such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low libido. Treatment is available in the form of external body applications as well as internal sex booster aphrodisiacs. The various capsules, tablets, pills and other forms of medications are available but you can consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to know the way of using them in natural form too. For external use, you can get gels, lotions, Ayurvedic medicated oils, sprays and creams. It is important that you persevere with your treatment to get good results.
  3. If yours is a psychological problem, start practicing stress management. Keep track of your moods and practice relaxation techniques detailed in Yoga practices. Even regular cardio vascular exercises can relieve you from anxiety and depression as they are natural ways to enhance the mood. The blood flow also gets better which is important for getting and maintaining erections.
  4. Give up or significantly reduce the intake of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. They may be the easy choice for coping with stress and anxiety but cause a lot of damage to your health. They can hamper normal blood flow and even disturb normal neurological functions.

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