
Friday, 12 August 2011

Infertility in Women

  • Women must take into account their regularity or irregularity of periods. They must also check for the flow of bleeding and stomach pain in relation to their menstruation cycle.
  • Women must also take into account the frequency of their sexual activity. The intensity of pain, if any, experienced during sex must also be taken into consideration.
  • Experts suggest that ejaculation of semen out of vagina is a natural phenomenon. This is because some men produce only 0.5 to 1 ml of semen and other might produce 6 ml of semen.
  • A high degree of viscosity of semen can be a hurdle for sperm motility.
  • Doctors advice to use a pillow under a woman’s buttock area soon after sexual intercourse to aid in the sperms movement up towards the cervix. Remaining on your back with legs and hips in slightly raised position can help in conception. This will help the vagina to ‘hold on’ to the semen as this posture defies gravity thus preventing a leak.

Periods / menstrual cycle:

Many women have a common complaint regarding irregularity of their menstruation cycle but only a few go ahead and seek medical advice. Many women keep on waiting for their periods to get normal in the hope that they will conceive once a normal menstrual cycle resumes. They may skip months or even years of periods thinking that this is the main cause of infertility. However, expert’s advice that one must understand that irregularity of periods can be caused due to numerous factors such as increased production of prolactin hormone by pituitary gland, changes in the functioning of ovaries, thyroid problems and so on.

A physical assessment in women is an important factor when it comes to checking for their infertility related complications.

Causes of infertility in women

Causes of infertility in women can be many, such as

  • Ovulation disorders, which can take place with or without irregularity of periods. Couples may practice sex without having any idea about the fertile period which is also known as the time of ovulation.
  • Tubal infections can take place leading to infertility. It can take place with or without infertility.
  • Endometriosis is a condition caused by the overturn flow of menstrual fluid and can lead to the growth of endometrial tissue in the pelvic floor and ovaries.

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