
Friday, 12 August 2011

Pregnancy Stages And How They Affect

Most women know the basic pregnancy stages or are made aware of them fairly quickly after they become aware they are pregnant. However, what is not always clear is how the pregnancy stages actually affect you or what you can expect from these stages. Although these vary with different women, there are some loose guidelines you can expect from the pregnancy stages.

Pregnancy is most often divided into three sections, or trimesters. The first trimester is composed of the first three months, the second is composed of months four through six, and the third, seven through nine. Each of these trimesters brings a variance of different physical characteristics and emotional issues.

The first trimester is often the most difficult emotionally. Women may not be aware they are pregnant, but they probably notice being irritable and sensitive. There are some physical issues that may arise, such as "morning" sickness, constipation, and stomach pain. Morning sickness may actually occur at any time of the day or night but is experienced by a large percentage of pregnant women. While some stomach pain may be experienced as the muscles stretch, any severe pain should be checked by a physician. Some women feel an increased sexual drive during this time as hormones go crazy; however, others feel the exact opposite.

The second trimester is a little calmer than the first. Hormones level out a little more, so the emotional roller coasters that are common in the first trimester become less severe. However, the physical discomfort becomes worse as weight increases. The larger your stomach gets, the more your back and legs hurt. However, in the second trimester, you can usually start wearing maternity clothes. Many women are too small to fill out those clothes before the forth or fifth months. On the other hand, you will also begin to be approached by perfect strangers wanting to touch your stomach.

In the last trimester, you are usually praying for the baby to come or death, whichever is faster. You will feel huge and "irritable" does not begin to explain the mood swings you experience. Your husband will probably be camping in the den until further notice and peeking around corners to avoid you. Mild contractions usually start during this time. They are not usually a cause for concern but should be discussed with your doctor. The angel inside you will likely feel like they are clawing their way out and is most determined in the middle of the night when you try to sleep.

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