
Friday, 12 August 2011

Sex Tips for First Night

A person’s wedding or first night is perhaps the most exciting time of their lives! Expectations run high and they want it be the best time that they will ever have. Sex has highest priority during this time. Well, they don’t call it the first night for nothing now; do they! Here are some sex tips for your first night:

Over Expectation May cause Sorrow

Everybody wants what’s best for them on their first night but you must ensure that your expectations do not weigh down the wonderful time that you could have had with your husband or wife. The wedding day is a hectic affair. You wife might feel sleepy after a long day. Or your husband might be a little tipsy after all those rounds of toasts. Understand that they might not enjoy having sex with exhaustion written all over them. Isn’t it better to wait for let’s say the morning, once they are rejuvenated with sleep!

Flirt Throughout

If you want your first night to be exciting and not an awkward experience then try and flirt with your spouse throughout the day. Steal little kisses, make eye contact and pay compliments to each other. This will set the mood for the night. Also once, t e two of you are together, make some time for verbal foreplay. This will ease both of you and sex will then feel like a natural progression.

Talk to Each Other

We can understand the anxiety and the restless to make love on the first night. However, if you jump into the sack and expect your partner to reciprocate you might be in for a rude shock. Irrespective of gender, most people are scared/apprehensive/anxious and most importantly nervous about their first night. So we suggest you engage in a dialogue first. Talk to each other and flirt a little. This will relax both of you.

Take it Slow

This is your wedding night that we are talking about and not just some chore that you have to complete! Take it slow and smooth! Let your partner seep into the mood of t e night and then see the sparks fly!

Make it Special

Nothing works better than slipping into something sexy in order to visually arouse your partner. And this applies to men and women both! It will make your partner feel special and excited and the magic will happen. However, remember that you need to be confident about what you wear because we don’t you tugging at your hemline while trying to act naughty in front of your special someone!

In the Mood for Love Making

Be proactive and set the mood for your wedding night. Play romantic music, light a few candles and cover the bed with rose petals. Most importantly don’t need your pals ambush your partner. Get them out of the room!

The final sex tip for your wedding night is that you need to be yourself and love take over. Be fair to yourself and to your partner and ensure that this first night of yours becomes a precursor to many more wonderful nights in the future!

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