
Sunday, 7 August 2011

Usually the doctor or surgeon fail nicely to discuss the implications of the removal of the tumor of a prostate cancer or genital mutilation, or those of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on libido and sex life, it often environment that minimizes the importance of this "detail".Be thankful you can be healed ... the patient is told, almost ashamed to claim that it is also concerned with this aspect of his life on hold.

The older patients likely to resign but the younger or those for whom sexuality is key to find themselves faced with an immense distress to which they were not prepared by doctors.

Erection and masculine identity

As for man, if today the techniques of the removal of the prostate have gained considerable detail, the fact remains that many patients still young people are facing impotence, loss
of libido and incontinence after sessions of chemo or radiation. Hormone treatments themselves are a real chemical castration and mechanical tricks to get an erection often disappointing single very long-term rehabilitation not always effective, and no cases they might end up doing anyway libido.
The boy grew up with the idea that because he is a man band. Not only the announcement of his cancer requires the patient to suddenly glimpse his death may be closer than expected, but it is especially feared the loss of male identity. Difficulties are grafted couple times on this difficult situation that love is not always enough to solve. Not being able to satisfy his or her partner sometimes leads to a withdrawal, protective posture.

Femininity bruised

Therapy of female genital cancers also have a devastating effect on the desire of women, and the rays of the pelvis targeted similarly complicate the picture: toast neighboring organs, bowel problems and bladder are not conducive to sex life self-image is disastrous.

Course of compassionate souls will remind them that not only sex in life, but what do they know, after all .... When the woman cultivates the art of eroticism to brighten his life and one of his loves, everything can change when in the days nothing works.
If the target intravaginal brachytherapy more locally, with fewer side effects, vaginal fibrosis can occur, making penetration painful or impossible. Psychological suffering then adds to that body. Give up their sex life for postmenopausal women or not very active in this field, may prove to be a first death.

Breast undermine femininity but do not prevent a mechanically fulfilling sex life, that it or without breast reconstruction surgery, provided that the partner knows reassure the woman on her erotic potential. The lovers especially will change their look, unlearn the beautiful and symmetrical formatted in order to be moved in the singular, fragile, and dare to bring their hands and lips on the footprints of a life course.

Decide knowingly

The man or woman, faced with a genital cancer should always take several medical and surgical advice. He or she may elect to refuse, accept all or part of the proposed therapy. Nothing is trivial, several schools of thought, sometimes diametrically opposed with respect to prostate removal or not, or no hormonal treatment. With regard to cancer of the endometrium, often, even for a class I tumor, radiation therapy is offered in addition to hysterectomy. Nothing and no one does that the prognosis of survival or cure will do better, but what is certain is that the rays will damage the vagina.

This is not fair to get treatment or risk of his life without thinking. But everyone can choose his life and what priority to give it. Ever the patient physicians do about it. The patient becomes a subject, a disease, one case. There is rarely a man or a woman, with all its uniqueness and personality.

Oncologists and radiotherapists open the umbrella, take care off, according to statistics, in case. Collateral damage is not their problem. It is essential for physicians to request all information about side effects, reversible or not, but also to learn ourselves also remaining active patients.

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