
Friday, 12 August 2011

How Condoms are Made and Tested

CondomsCondoms are one of the most common contraceptive options. The making and testing of condoms involve various steps and stringent quality checks. How condoms are made can be explained in the following points:

  • Most of the are made using natural rubber or latex. Liquid latex is collected from rubber trees and is treated with chemicals. Thereafter, it is ready to be used for manufacturing condoms.
  • The chemically treated latex is put in large vats, where it undergoes compound processing. In this step chemical preservatives and vulcanising agents are added to the mixture, which determines the strength, sensitivity and elasticity of the condoms.
  • After that the liquid mixture undergoes the dipping process where glass moulds are dipped into the mixture. Different moulds are used for manufacturing the condoms of different shapes, sizes and types. After the dipping process, the condoms are dried in the drying ovens. This way condoms gain their respective shapes.
  • The next step that follows is the leaching process which helps in the removal of latex residue and its odour .
  • In the final step condoms are dipped in powdering mixture of magnesium carbonate and other anti- bacterial chemicals preventing the latex from sticking.

Now the condoms are ready to be tested. How are condoms tested is explained below:

  • The testing of condoms involves mainly two important processes. At first and the second is the factory laboratory test.
  • Once the condoms are made, every single condom undergoes dry electrical test in which an electrical current is passed through it. It determines and overall porosity of the condom and also ensures that there is no pinholes in it. The condoms which do not pass through this test are discarded.
  • Thereafter, five different tests are performed on various samples of condoms in the second step. Tests such as air bust, aging, water bust, vacuum tests and wet electrical determine the strength, shelf life and effectiveness of the condoms.

Once the condoms are tested and approved, in the final stage they are lubricated and put in aluminum packages. Thus, the condoms are now ready to be dispatched and are absolutely ready to be used. It ensures safe sex.

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