
Friday, 12 August 2011

How Effective are Condoms against HIV?

The most deadly sexually transmitted disease (STD), HIV has been under review a lot more than other infections. Comprehensive research undertaken for this purpose has established conclusively that condom is the most effective way to prevent the spread of HIV infection that leads to AIDS. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been many studies on sexually active couples and lab tests to establish the efficacy of in preventing HIV. The ability of latex condoms in preventing it has been scientifically verified.

Findings of Researches on Condom Effectiveness for HIV

  • Laboratory studies showed that latex condoms do not allow particles of the size of HIV to go through them. They are impermeable for HIV particle.
  • Theoretically, since latex condoms cover the whole of penis, they block the path of vaginal and urethral secretions and thereby prevent HIV infection from being transmitted.
  • Real-life situations have also been studied for confirming to protect against HIV. Tests were conducted on real couples when one of them was normal while the other was HIV infected. It conclusively proved that latex condoms provide very high level of protection against HIV infection.

The epidemiologic studies give the most helpful information on the reduction of risk for HIV infection after resorting to with condoms. There is extensive research literature on STD prevention from condom use and most of them feature HIV infection prominently. Many studies of couples where one of the two is infected with HIV show that latex condoms are very effective in preventing sexually transmitted HIV infection.

It must be noted that condoms can reduce the risk of HIV transmission but it does not eliminate it. Moreover, for the protection to be complete, the condoms need to be used correctly and regularly. Even one slip up in being diligent about using the condom and intercourse with an infected partner can lead to HIV acquisition. In the same way, if you do use the condoms all the time but do not do it properly, the protection can fail.

Without doubt the best way to stay away from STDs such as HIV and others is not to have multiple sexual partners and choose to be with an uninfected partner for a long-term. You also need to watch out against persons who are infected but are not aware of it. This is because an STD infection may well be asymptomatic or unrecognized.

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