
Friday, 12 August 2011

How Safe is Sex Without a Condom?

Happy couple in bedEver since the rate of HIV infections have gone down as compared to the last few decades we are witnessing a rise in unsafe sex. It is true that there is no such thing as 100% safe sex and we can only practise safer sex.

Coitus Interruptus

Withdrawal before the man reaches orgasm in peno-vaginal intercourse has been the most popular contraceptive method since time immemorial. But the transparent seminal fluid or ‘pre-come’ released continually through an erection can also carry sperms and infections, notably HIV. Spermicide gels cannot kill viruses and you are as vulnerable to STIs and HIV practising coitus interruptus as you are with unprotected release of semen inside the vagina.

Oral Sex

Oral sex is a relatively safer option as certain studies show that glycoproteins present in saliva can stop HIV infection. Besides, the virus is too weak to survive in gastric juices so in case you swallow semen or vaginal secretions there is no cause for panic. However, cheek cells tend to be fragile and most times we are not aware of minor cuts and bruises inside our mouth, particularly gums. Direct infection is possible if the virus can enter your bloodstream through any mucosal opening. Gonorrhoea and Oral Herpes cannot be ruled out either.

Anal Sex

The anal cavity is lined with thin walls that can absorb alien fluids readily and any infection becomes easier to catch. Also, the sphincter is a tight compound muscle that closes naturally when penetrated forcefully. If the receptor of anal sex does not relax the muscles, grave injury and bleeding is possible, opening up new sites of infections. Minor cuts are however impossible to avoid therefore condoms are strongly recommended. In case of analingus without dental dams, the active partner becomes exposed to diarrhoea, Hepatitis of different varieties including C type as well as E Coli.

External Sex

Non penetrative and dry sex is perhaps the safest option. Activities like kissing, mutual masturbation, erotic massage, foreplay and rubbing genitals together can provide pleasure without much risk. Although exchange of fluids greatly increase the risk for acquiring a disease you are still vulnerable to skin infections, genital warts and pubic lice or crabs. In fact pubic lice is the most common STI against which there is no protection available yet.

We should know that condoms are an effective tool against HIV and other infections. We should also note the limitations of our choice of protection. It is wise to read on various sexual activities and the risks involved in each. If you are not sure about the consequences of your actions you must consult a professional before indulging in that particular sexual act.

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