
Friday, 12 August 2011

Risk of HIV Transmission with Condoms

condom and injectionPutting on a condom does not completely eliminate the risk of HIV infections. It however provides significant protection against the virus. Correct usage and caution will continue to minimise your chances of acquiring HIV and certain guidelines should be followed.

Standardised Product

While in the West many sizes are available, in India you get a standardised condom which may be too tight or too loose for some. If you can afford to order online the right fit do not hesitate. It would be prudent to invest in something that will provide maximum protection.

Air Bubbles

If you do not hold the sperm collecting tip of the condom before you unroll it on your penis air bubble are likely to collect. The condom may burst during vigorous intercourse.


If you have opened the covering foil with a sharp tool, fingernails or teeth you may have caused a tear. This is dangerous as you may not realise the damage until its too late. However, do not unroll in the air to look for tears. Discard and use another if you have a doubt.


Oil based lubricants damage latex condoms and make you vulnerable to HIV. Always use water based lubricants like Johnson’s KY Jelly, Lubic Gel or Durex. Imported ones like Boots are also available at certain chemists.

Sores/ Warts

The condom can only cover the shaft of your penis. Sometimes it slips during intercourse and the base of the penis is exposed. Furthermore, the testicles remain open. If either of the man or woman have open sores, genital warts or any other mucosal opening with discharge they are likely to get infected even if they use condoms.

Multiple Condoms

Some believe that wearing two or three condoms at the same time will increase their protection. On the contrary, it is a dangerous practise as increased friction would cause all the layers to burst and make both partners vulnerable.


If you do not remove the penis immediately after ejaculation you can risk spillage inside the vagina. Also, if you pull out carelessly without holding the base securely with your index finger and thumb semen can leak out.

Novelty Condoms

Many imported and cheap condoms are not meant for protection. Be wary especially of the ones with fragrances, flavours or French ticklers. Always buy a trusted brand which mentions prevention details on the packet. You can read online reviews of most brands and make a wise choice.

Expiry Date and Storage

If you do not check the expiry date you are increasing the risk of infection. However, even if the condom is well within its shelf life limit do check if it has not become sticky or gummy. If it does not slide smoothly discard it. Also, the quality will depend on how you store it. Keep in a dry and cool place and never inside a wallet.

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