
Friday, 12 August 2011

How to Catch Cheating Husband or Wife

Arguing coupleThere is no specific reason which may make a husband or wife seek love or physical intimacy outside the bounds of matrimony. For some, a mere disagreement may lead to cheating and for some years of discontent and apathy may cause them to cheat. However, for someone to catch a cheating husband or wife requires a deft eye.

How to catch a cheating husband or wife

Look for the Signs

There are unmistakable signs that will scream infidelity. For example, if every question that you ask feels like an interrogation for them and if they constantly accuse you of being suspicious, then there is definitely trouble in paradise. Either your spouse has already taken the plunge into cheating or s/he is seriously contemplating it. Also if you notice any sudden change in behaviour such as they are staying aloof, and spending more time on their computer or cell phone instead of trying to have a real conversation with you, then your marriage is in trouble.

Track their Phone

If you really want to know if your husband or wife is cheating on you or not, then keeping a tab on their cell phone might be a good start. Although if your spouse is cheating on you then s/he will probably delete all dubious incoming and outgoing messages and calls, there are software that retrieve deleted data. If you are convinced that your spouse is doing something fishy then you can also try and listen in on their conversations.

Internet Surveillance

These days, a lot of communication happens over emails and social networking sites. Keep a tab of your hubby’s or wifey’s social networking activities. Look for signs of any unusual activity. And if you have access to their passwords then you can check their email notifications for anything suspicious.

Background Check

Do you suspect your husband or wife has lied to you about their past? Are you worried an ex-flame has come into the picture? If the answer to all those questions is yes then a background check will you good. Trying and gather as much information as you can about your spouse’s past. Talk to his friends and family. And if all else fails, you can hire a private investigator to do the digging for you.

Seek Professional Help

If there is no way in which you can track your husband’s or wife’s activities then you can seek the services of a private investigator. These people are professionals and they can get you audio-visual proof. The ethical underpinning about hiring a private investigator to spy on a cheating husband or wife might be debatable, but there is surely no harm in trying if it looks like the last resort.


This is what you should do if you are sure that your husband or wife is cheating on you. Don’t play martyr and stay silent. Confront them and tell them that you know. You will be able to gauge by their immediate reaction if you are right or not. Most cheating spouses will try to cover up with a display of anger and slamming of doors. They may also try to exploit your trust by asking you questions such as, ‘How can you think that I will do something like that’. This is where your judgement will come into play and you have to decide whether you really want to believe them or not.

Catching a cheating spouse can be an emotionally traumatic experience. Therefore, make sure that you are absolutely certain that something is amiss in your marriage and that you need an answer. Also be prepared for its consequences. There might be heartbreak, meltdowns and in some very unlucky cases, separation.

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