
Friday, 12 August 2011

How to Talk to Your Partner about Erectile Dysfunction

It has often been opined that erectile dysfunction is the problem of the man suffering from it. However, what is ignored is the fact that erectile dysfunction affects the partner in the equation too. Relationships require the flame of attraction to remain alive for them to successfully continue over a long period of time and erectile dysfunction might be a roadblock but surely not the marker of the relationship’s death.

Communicating with one’s partner about erectile dysfunction is often fraught with embarrassment and an innate willingness to skirt the issue. However, the issue needs to be discussed with an outlook towards resolving the issue without affecting the love that binds the relationship.

How to Talk to Your partner about Erectile Dysfunction

Choose the Right time

Don’t jump your partner’s bones when talking to him about erectile dysfunction. Choose the most appropriate time and discuss the issue at ease. Remember that your partner has to be in a relaxed state of mind to discuss the issue at hand. Erectile dysfunction is a sensitive issue and you cannot bring it out in front of his friends or parents and try and make it a family issue.

Let him know you care

It is granted that the news of one’s partner suffering from erectile dysfunction is unsettling, but you need to hold heart and be supportive. Let him know that you care about him and assure him that he can share all his fears and anxieties with you. This is not the right time to play the blame game. You have to understand that a man suffering from erectile dysfunction can be emotionally and psychologically affected too. Therefore, be patient and wait for him to open up to you. Do not force him and try and become his agony aunt.

Encourage Him

If your partner is distraught with the fact that his current treatment option is not really him deal with erectile dysfunction, then encourage him to keep trying. You can be a supportive partner and accompany him for his visits to the doctor. Research on erectile dysfunction treatment option together and devise a plan to deal with the problem.

Lay out the cards

Have an open discussion with your partner and talk about each other’s sexual desires and wishes. Erectile dysfunction does not mean you cannot indulge in sexual activities and satisfy each other. You can talk to your partner about what you expect in your relationship and vice versa.

Stick to the Issue

The best way to talk to your partner about erectile dysfunction is to stick to the issue and not waver and talk about how adversely it will now affect the relationship. The key here is to remain positive without blaming your partner. Moreover, make sure you have enough information about erectile dysfunction before you broach the topic as an ill-informed discussion will only add to your woes.

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