
Sunday, 21 August 2011

The Pregnancy Crazies: The Condition Men Get When Their Wife is Pregnan Read more: Dads and Pregnancy - Helping Husbands Cope When Their Wife is preg

It's true that during pregnancy, women experience hormones, stretch marks, and a million other things men will never understand. But let me explain something men go through. I call them the Pregnancy Crazies — erratic impulses brought on by the uncomfortable realization that life is about to change in mysterious and potentially smelly, screamy ways.
Dads and pregnancy
The Pregnancy Crazies come in many forms and varying degrees of severity. Maybe your judgment gets wonky and you start smoking again at the very moment when you need to shore up your long-term health. Maybe you take a sledgehammer to your bathroom 10 days before the due date, convinced that it must be renovated and that you are just the man for the job. Hopefully you don't pull a Weiner and start sexting pictures of your junk to random women just when you should be most committed to your wife.

I know too many guys who tried to recapture the adventurous spirit of their youth after learning their wives were pregnant and wound up having extreme-sports-related accidents. Apparently, men should avoid skateboards, mountain bikes, and rollerblades during the first trimester.

Other husbands' symptoms manifest themselves in a more cerebral — i.e., gone mental — fashion. My friend Chris, now a father of three, couldn't believe that his wife was pregnant the first time. She showed him the test. She danced and sang. She jumped up and down. No dice. "We'd been trying for so long that I just couldn't bring myself to believe it was real," he says. Luckily, that only lasted a week. Any lingering doubt disappeared the moment the doctors told Chris and his wife they were having twins.

When my friend Randy found out his wife was pregnant, he stopped having sex with her immediately, and held out the entire nine months. "I couldn't do it. You worry about hitting something you're not supposed to," he tells me. "I also worried that it would somehow shape my kids' future personalities and subconsciously give them weird ideas about sex when they got older."

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