"The real horror of pornography is its positive declaration of a new moral ethic ... Increasingly taxed and regulated, modern man sees sexual license as his essential freedom."1 -Mark Rushdoony
Why use a quote about pornography to introduce an article about a sex educators' conference?
Because, given the content and the conduct of this particular conference, it seems likely that soon it will become impossible to distinguish between out-and-out pornography and "comprehensive sex education." Indeed, the difference has already been erased.
This is not hyperbole. We are talking about a public school sex educators' conference held in New Jersey on November 18-19, 2010. As sources we have the conference's and the detailed report of an eyewitness who attended it. We have been asked not to reveal the witness's identity, and have honored that request.
To report on such things is difficult. Although it is the stated intension of some 300 "experts" at the conference to bring this "educational material" into all the public schools, there are still innumerable Christian parents who refuse to believe such things and who still send their children to those schools five days a week. There-in some schools already, and in all of them soon, if the "educators" have their way-Christian children will be repeatedly exposed, by authority figures in a classroom, to very powerful pornography. Even if parents exercise their "opt out" rights, as provided for in New Jersey and some other states, the Christian children who were opted out will still be talking to the other children who were opted in.
It is the educators' intention to teach and advocate for a wide assortment of perverse sexual practices. This is not an accusation, but a fact.
Under Government Protection
How do we write about this trash without being accused of writing smut? This is a Christian publication, with a Christian readership. Even to provide links to the conference's website might offend some readers.
Attorney Richard Collier is submitting information about the conference to various New Jersey legislators and officials, in hopes that they might take some action against this so-called educational program.
"It's unbelievable," he told Chalcedon, "some of the trash that's being brought into these schools." Abstinence-only education is still the law in New Jersey, he added, but that doesn't stop sex educators from ignoring or circumventing it. On one occasion, he recalled, he had to threaten to sue the Princeton Board of Education before it would disclose any of the materials it was using in the classroom.2
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